BOOST VALUE OF INTEGRITY AND ETHICS in overcoming the financial crisis GLOBAL IMPACT
After following the development of the Out in the global market, especially in the capital markets, both in the United States and other countries, including our beloved country, in general, the analyst believes that the core cause of the global financial crisis, the greed and hubris is the executive which kecerdasannya have been recognized. However, unfortunately intelligence is not accompanied by emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence (to borrow the term Mr. Ary Ginanjar founder of the ESQ), so the intellectual tools to become a very sophisticated vandal and has encouraged its impact on the world economy, which is very critical point, or keambrukan that will influence in the long-term life.
Under this, I would like to convey some messages from sahabat2 I observe that the impact of the storm the capital market failure.
First, the message from Mrs. Ary Ginanjar: AsWrWb. I yesterday to Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange and Washington, want to see the United States directly to the crisis and find great info about the main causes of bankruptcy a few giant financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers, Morgan, Merryl Linch and others, as well as its economic situation. Results observations are as follows:
• residents can not afford to pay installments and finally be home, but no one is buying again.
• Perusahaan2 close, lay everywhere, the Bank is not able to provide credit,
• The cost is higher, cash is not there, homeless panhandler and would start to appear in the crossroad way.
• Until this decade with the United States has never experienced an situsai this.
• The cause is the main decision of a small group of greedy people, selfish, and self-love and love the world. So ignore the interests of institutions and residents to provide credit risk without adequate analysis (jor2an), who stuck ultimately all.
• greed and idolatry, which pointed to his downfall. "This is the beginning of an era of spirituality that is the basis for the unity of god and the best care."
(165 Salam. Newyork. Ary Ginanjar.)
Second, the main news Kompas, Thursday, 16 October 2008 to 2 topic that is very clear about the bankruptcy and a global crisis, namely:
• Acting Executive Director of Corporate Dicecar
• Hundreds of Millions vanish Immediately.
Some interesting quote from yesterday is the second article:
• Looking ahead a number of countries issue a salary, bonuses and even the behavior of the Executive. Bad behavior of the executive government has forced some countries to provide funds to talangan corporation that handled the bertumbangan the executive. The Executive such as race-race enrich themselves by allowing transfer fellow executive bonuses
• Prime Minister of Australia stated that Corporate Governance has been a total failure. Failure occurred because of the financial sector standards in the safe of the loan not be ignored, risk management is not observed. "In fact, the system management company (internal control system) stake greed, but ignore the integrity of the financial system."
• CFS, Center for Financial Studies, concluded: The system of bonuses that apply for the executive to make this even dirangsang run high-risk business. However, on the other hand, if a decision concerning their business have resulted in risk, the executive does not get a penalty.
• According to the Kompas, the more the public does not understand the transaction capital market products that become victims. This is truly lost their savings mengenaskan future, only because diiming-It is vital to the prospects of high-risk and eventually lose the property.
Wisdom Learning
In order to anticipate the impact of financial crisis golobal as has occurred in the country 2 forward, the government of Indonesia has issued Perpu No. 4 / 2008 (Kompas interests October 17 2008). "Indonesia now has the complete Rules for the Financial Crisis Facing the systemic nature." Allhamdullillah.
However, members of the Commission XI, the father Dradjad Wibowo reminded to be careful pprogram implement it, because Indonesia is still a high level korupsinya, either for politicians or bureaucracy.
In the event Halal-Bihalal in PTPN VIII, Pak Cahyana as Komut, that is time to apply just Corporate Governance. This is, the United States and other developed countries that have been implementing the Good Corporate Governance in a way that most mutakhirpun, failed to secure the corporation from the unethical actions by the executive that greedy and imperious. The executors in the field, also is not heeding who calaon victims, which is a bonus. All business is losing and empaty side spiritualnya.
GOD Corporate Governance.
Really interesting statement about the need for corporate governance God above. Because the corporation in Indonesia, including state-owned enterprises, have adopted the device 2 GCG, in the activities, namely the system of internal management and risk berframe work COSO (the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission). Both these systems have become a compulsory reference for companies listing on the NYSE.
For the state-owned enterprises, need to be submitted that the Minister of State Owned Enterprises Board of Directors has set a requirement for state-owned enterprises to apply the Internal Control system effective, through the state-owned KepMeneg no 117 of 2002, Article22, and the Commissioner of the obligation to convey the results of the evaluation smesteran to the Minister, according Letter of No.01/MBU / 2006 January 4, 2006 about not dijadikannya GCG as a foundation of operational by the full Board of Directors in making the management of state-owned enterprises SOEs.
The internal control system components, according to article 22 in the same KepMeneg above pesis with the internal control system that berframe work COSO (the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission). For a corporation registered in the Bei, according to the news, will be published Bapepam regulation, which will immediately assign the same.
Experience in the United States, I concur with the statement Cahyana pack. Corporations that have been timed to apply just in Corporate Governance.
Permasalahannnya where we find just the Corporate Governance. ?.
Laskar Pelangi The most simple example of just Corporate Governance is displayed on the life of learning disekolah Muhamadyiah. After watching the Rainbow paramilitary troops, I get enlightenment, supposing that all Politicians, Bureaucracy and Employers run tasks such as teacher Mrs. Mus and the head of the school, then Inshaa God does not need to concern about the impact of the threat of global financial crisis.
They will be struggling with a sincere heart to carry out its mission, with full dedication and affection to build character in children's care. Truly beautiful behavior of sincerity, simplicity and morale displayed by the tokoh2 and sincerity in this is the hand of God role, with a talented children who can raise the degree and the good name of the institute. The key is the integrity of business with the institute. As bersatunya heart Bu Mus continuation of the school. Mus mother and I have Harfan manage the school with just Corporate Governance.
However, we must recognize the Vision and Mission Muhamaddyiah has successfully established characters as implemented by Mr. and Mrs. Mus Harfan with full confidence. Hopefully beliau2 given statuesque on the place that God Almighty.
COSO frame work, NOT do not have integrity in the system of internal control and risk management. However idelisme lose by sallow this temptation in the heart of the rapacious, selfish, and self-love and love the world. So that the basic principles of management of the Value of Ethics and Integrity only decoration words. Although the two concepts have been listed in order of most of the COSO in the frame work and has been described in more detail how, but The not proven successful.
Thus, the meaning of integrity and ethical values that beorientasi on culture and value system of capitalism is not expected to be longer in the institutions of intent to secure and faith that ignores the mission and objectives of the institute.
In this case, I concur with the call-Kang Ary Ginanjar to start applying the Value of Ethics and Integrity, which rests on the unity of god rspiritualitas that we believe is the basis for the correct and best. However, the application ma'af a very deep need that I need to back up the results of upgrading ESQ, especially for its business in Indonesia. Because according to our observations as ALUMNI ESQ, can be concluded that the results obtained during the 4-day upgrading can not ensure a consistent awareness, proved there are only participants ESQ back to the beginning of the habitat and a sense of regret at the training will return after meluntur on environmental issues.
There should be upgrading the personality and character (ESQ LEVEL advanced), which can encourage awareness of self-awareness integrated with the Godhead, sorrow into taubatan Nasuha and warning system that terpatri strong in the center of awareness.
When ideal conditions can be achieved, then the thoughts and actions of leaders and corporate institutions will always be oriented to the creation of value for the benefit of institutions and the environment (creating value). So that the threats and obstacles any solution will be sought with the ingenuity and the result would spiritualitasnya success.
Training Methods of Integrity and Ethical Values.
Look at the core of the problems that occurred in the global financial crisis, the need to be found Training Method Value Ethics and Integrity for the executive (Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners), Share and Stakeholders, Bureaucracy and Politicians. Because there is a close correlation between the corporate environment in tackling the temptation and seduction parties that want to take advantage by way of private institutions and harm the environment.
Although it has not yet proved successful in shaping the personal obyektip, honest and resolute and steadfast consistency in managing the company or institution, but less wise we remove the direct training programs that already exist, such as ESQ and Dale Carnegy or upgrading other personality such as The 7 'Awareness. Because basically it must step upgrading and sustainable development, in accordance with the increase rate intelektualitasnya, emosionalnya and spiritualitasnya.
Semangkin someone in a high position for an institution, charged semangkin high-level policy (Wisdom). That the level executives and prospective executives, not increase the competencies needed, but emotional and spiritual training is based on confidence keagamaanlah needed. Because only agamalah who teaches in the policy masing2 followers and provide effective guidance in the awareness of good practice to do good and to obey the rules and regulations of his Lord.
The executive and executive candidates, should be given awareness training methods with the media, after passing through the training and competency training that has no personality. In this meditation, contemplation, the process will be run by very effective, in a position to understand ourselves in the environment, both the mission and duty as individuals and as members of the community and the vision and goals reached that you want to, without forgetting the existence of God has everything.
Meditation training are already in various places in our environment. Of course, with all the pros and cons. However, a search for the real truth, the new general satisfied after following the various methods of meditation. However, for the beginner, you should first learn the methods of meditation komparatip the most suitable with the work culture korporasinya.
According to Mas Yos (Wiyoso Hadi, the author of the book "Heart open"), with humility he stated that "to instill a awareness Illahi strong terpatri is in the heart of dzikirullah, in the mind and the soul, each disc through the heart , And discus discus Ajna Mahkota, wherever we are, and every time. (thank you to someone who has contributed Yos experience).
This is in line with the training provided by the AAs kang (Ir. Rd Aas Rukasah, founder of the Cosmic LINK), which is in the process meditasinya Cakra 21 with a special method, so that will increase our awareness of the wise, to understand ourselves better relationship with the natural environment, including the content and the resultant. Awareness that this would be wise to give the following:
• Always lead us to continue to do the best, because I believe always under control.
• Develop the courage and confidence because it is always under lindunganNya said.
• Increase gratitude for all that has been held since said all this comes from develop and make the best of himself.
Thus, the results of meditation can erase the feeling greedy and imperious attitude and the nature of the perpetrators of underhanded business and ultimately, the corporate and institutions will be led by the wise and tokoh2 full welas Asih to the environment and provide the best results for customers and stake holders . Amen.
Bandung, 17 October 2008.