Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Mobile radiation hazards

Mobile radiation hazards

On Children

The researchers at the National Radiologiy Protection Board UK, said, the electromagnetic radiation generated from the phone gengam or better known by the name of the term Hp merudak DNA and can lead to brain tumors. Parents do not give your Hand phone (mobile) in children aged 8 years old or below as a precaution ganguan radiation from these tools. "When you use the bomb, 70-80% energy radiation emanating from the antenna is absorbed by the head. In fact, some Research shows the potential impact of negative absorption of radiation from long-term dipancakan by mobile phone. Unfortunately, only a few studies that focus on children, "said Prof. Henry Lai of the University of Washington, As.

Professor Henry said because the effect of radiation on children is very menghawatirkan because otang still growing very **. may be exposed to radiation Brain tumors usually develop for 30 d 40 years. Children use the phone since the teenagers will have a period long before the more visible impact. source.

** Professor statement I only questioned said the brain development of children are still developing "may mean time of GNI

>> On the brain development of children are still not stable and bone protector brain itself is still weak, terkene of a few can bernasalah!

Knowledge about the brain

the establishment of a braided nerve with the other (sinaps). After a mielinisasi (maturation process unveil nerve), sinaps increasingly more.

How is the order of the brain?
In a simple, the brain is divided into 2 parts, namely the brain and cerebellum. Large brain plays an important role in the ability to think and level of intelligence someone. While the small brain has a responsibility as a checker coordination and balance.
Furthermore, the structure of the brain is divided into 2 parts, namely the left and right brain. Each has different functions. Left brain functions related to academic study, such as counting (mathematics), logic, read, write, analyze, and develop the ability to remember the power. Meanwhile, the right brain associated with creativity, such as art or sports.

Is the ability of the brain can be changed?
Yes, every time capability can be changed. At the time of birth, the child may be healthy and smart. However, if the child suffers the disease, encephalitis, say, the drop is the ability otaknya, because the cells are damaged can not be replaced. For example, children not immunized, and then exposed to measles or other diseases that can attack the brain, they also welcome the optimal otaknya again. Furthermore, the return can be built is the nerve network of children but not the cell otaknya.

How to stimulate the brain left and right?
Both left and right brain stimulation requires a balanced-order functions can be developed to function optimally. Not only stimulate the brain may be left or right brain only. The experts assess the psychological, if done in a balanced stimulation, not only the element of intelligence that will increase children's personality, but in the future.

Examples of stimulating the left brain and right at them when breastfeeding mothers, dendangkanlah songs that felt the favor and belai and touch the baby gently. Take also the small talk, although he can not answer the mother or the father's speech. So, from a melodic song will stimulate the right brain baby, while the lyrics of the song didendangkan was able to stimulate the left brain. What is clear, stimulation of the baby must be done with a happy atmosphere, play, safe, and comfortable.

What! He said the right brain n left it to be stable / balanced, if there is usually balanced person will feel anxiety or depression, stress can even after the n .... ugh it was amit2 I input brain with the right to treat the plants make singing there known lyric with a fearless read novels or comic books, was left brain don't in the input also busy, so I continued dancing in the working world and learn differently dizzy ... I you?


Oat-oat nutrition plays a role in encouraging the process of flower-growing brain of children. Substances that are known role is the fatty acid Omega-3 or Omega-6 that are on my mind. These substances in the baby's body will be changed to AA and DHA, which seems to function in the formation of nerve cell membranes. Since, many milk formula that includes AA and DHA in the composition of nutrient value. For unknown, substances, which many other substances found in breastmilk also boost children's intelligence.

Recent research states that there are many other substances found in the brain, especially in the outer layer of the brain, the sialic acid that is also contained in breastfeeding. Sialic acid function is to help improve memory and learning in children. Of course, this ability to influence the kecerdasannya. However, according to Dwi Putro, growth and development of the brain affected by various factors. This means not only substance-specific nutritional substances that have a dominant role for the brain to grow flowers, including this sialic acid. Hilman Hilmansyah. Illustrators: Pugoeh

Research by Longvity Science Corporation, USA, against 100 doctors and Community Nutrition Experts

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